Oct 12, 2022 (Wed) Program: Five Inch is a Cinch
Pat Speth
Pat started working with 5 inch squares as a basis for her quiltmaking in 1993 after attending her first retreat. She was asked to do a program for her guild in 1997 using the 5″ squares, which gave her the push to explore new uses and techniques for working with the squares. Pat, while working a full time job, started on the book, “Nickel Quilts” in 1998 and was able to have it ready for the publishers in June 2001.
“How Nickel Quilts Are Created –This trunk show is sure to get quilters fired up about using 5″ squares of fabric and many of the ideas can also be adapted for using other precuts, such as 2 1/2″ strips and layer cakes. I’ll show a great assortment of quilts from my collection and we focus on the blocks in the quilts and the simple components they are made from.”