March 20, 2021 – Virtual Sewing Day
The March 20th ZOOM Sewing Day will be from 9am to 4pm.
The morning (9am-12:30pm) will be for people who want to work on Lorena Uriate’s Opal Essence quilt pattern.

Opal Essence
- You will need to purchase the pdf file, LETTER SIZE, so you can print it out at home.
- Next make the templates out of Mylar, cardboard or whatever.
- For fabric choices, check out #opalessencequilt on Instagram, or Pinterest.
- You can precut your fabrics, or cut them with us on the day.
- Demo’s will be given on gluing curved pieces to sew or pinning/sewing curves.
- There is NO fee other than buying your pattern.
- We will all be working on it together. (I have taken the workshop before.)
Please let me know you are joining and with any questions.
— Loretta R.
Join us in the afternoon (12:30pm-4pm) for an open sewing day.