January 14th, 2021 – Melissa Marginet ‘Get your motor running’ at 7 pm via Zoom
January 14, 2021, 7:00 PM (Pacific) on Zoom
Get Your Motor Running
Learn how to spark creativity in yourself or in your guild with challenges that will have everyone thinking outside the box. This miniature trunk show has more ideas than you will know what to do with to get everyone not only learning new techniques but building their quilting and creative confidence.
Melissa grew up in Manitoba where she started her creative life thanks to her grandmother who lived next door. After making a couple of quilts she caught the quilting bug in 2001when she took a Log Cabin class to get rid of some fabric. This did not result in less fabric, but did result in a career in quilting. With the onset of COVID, she has developed online programs and classes and is busier than ever. She has written two books, Walking Foot Quilting Designs and Edge to Edge Walking Foot Quilting Designs. http://melissamarginet.ca/