May 10, 2017 Meeting
Calling all UFOs for the MAY meeting
Do you have a UFO that you just can’t finish? Maybe you are stuck on how to position the blocks. What fabric to use on the borders/binding? Need support on a specific technique? Just need a new perspective? With over one thousand years of combined experience and 400 library books I am sure we can tackle any issue.
So the question is, why do so many of us have a pile of unfinished objects? This is very much a “trending” topic right now. Here are some of the reasons I found:
- the technique was too hard (but maybe it isn’t now)
- the fabric is ugly or you ran out of fabric
- it’s not turning out the way you want it to
- you don’t know how you should quilt it
- you got sidetracked with more interesting new projects (also definitely me)
- you hate applying binding.
There are lots of blogs online about how to finish your UFO’s but first you have to decide if you want to finish it. If you do, here’s a list to help:
- set manageable goals
- work 15 minutes at a time
- say NO to new projects
- get support from other quilters
- celebrate every quilt you complete.
So at our May meeting, we’ll be looking at the last two points – getting support and celebrating with the Guild (and maybe winning a prize). Bring along any UFOs you want to share with the guild. Sitting in small groups you will solve any issues you have. We’ll also be bringing ideas for what to do with those UFO’s you really don’t want to finish but can’t abandon because YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER and you spent time and money etc. Maybe it’s time to just let them go. Nothing bad will happen if you do!
What to bring:
UFO’s you want advice on
Orphan blocks to swap or get ideas on how to to use
UFO’s you want to swap/give away
A list of UFO’s you want to register for the challenge
A small snack for the table
Yourself and the years of experience you have!